we interviewed M.Francis Sheppard . the SEO internet marketing expert in the UK
to get his opinion on carbon emmissions in adverting
"our business has made a start in cutting your carbon emmissions by using internet marketing techniques instead of paper printed sales literature,"
he went on to say
"Books such as yellow pages, phonebooks and others are all on the decline yet many businesses stick with this formula because it feels "safe" but the truth is its old tired and bad for enviroment in every way , from the paper, the inks the HUGE printing presses right down to the delivery process as they must all be HAND DELIVERED to every address in the country!"
He also quoted a recent article concerning CARBON CREDITS he had come across
interesting reading i'm sure you'll find.
see the aricle below : the authors details are included.
Carbon credits have recently been available for purchase. Until now, I have only had a loose understanding of what it meant to buy carbon credits. When booking a flight for myself and my daughter, Expedia.ca offered the option of offsetting our carbon emmissions of the plane ride by purchasing carbon credits. Because I am trying to have the smallest carbon footprint that is conveniently possible (as are most people), I opted in.
What is a Carbon Credit?
Quite simply, you pay money to account for each tonne of carbon dioxide; or one of the other 5 common environmental pollutants that you create. “You” can refer to individuals, corporations or political entities. So say, for example, that I generate 10 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year, and each carbon credit costs $20 per tonne. I would have to pay $200 to be carbon neutral; meaning, that I am paying a fee for each tonne of greenhouse gases I produce and this fee contributes to products that either sequester carbon, or invest in green, renewable energy projects. To summarize, I produce 10 tonnes of carbon and I pay to have ten tonnes removed from our atmosphere.
Carbon Planet.com buys and sells carbon credits in three different incarnations. First, you can buy a subscription that charges your credit card a monthly rate for a certain amount of carbon credit. This rate can be established by them by looking at the average emissions made by a single person in your country and calculating an amount based on your age (how much carbon you have produced up until now and in the future). You can buy a one time package to offset a specific carbon expenditure such as a flight, or cross country drive, or you can pay for your entire life; all the carbon you have and will produce based on the average emissions per person in your country of residence. I would like to point out, that this isn’t an endorsement of their products, nor am I affiliated with them in any way, but they do provide a good description about the carbon credit currency.
A copy of this article as long as blogs in a similar vein, visit Forest, Ecosystem and Our Environment.
If you want to know more about Green Travel, check out Traveling the Green Way.
This article is also posted at the All Things Green Carnival, The News Coverage, Carnival of Improving Life, All Things Eco Blog
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